Experiencing the beauty of human suffering in Syracuse.

30 psychotherapists from all over Europe are gathered in Syracuse this week.

The gathering of European psychotherapists in Syracuse concludes a two years training to explore human psychopathology and contemporary disturbances.
Margareta Spagnuolo Lobb, Doctor of Psychology and Psychotherapy is a native of Syracuse. She established the Instituto di Gestalt HCC Italy in 1979 here in Syracuse, together with Gianni Francesetti, a psychiatrist from Turin.
“-Our aim is to bring international Psychotherapists to the beautiful city and culture of Syracuse. To enjoy the beauty of the city and at the same time develop as gestalt psychotherapists.  Syracuse is very much in line with the aesthetics of gestalt therapy: to see the beauty of Syracuse, its people and its history is consistent to acknowledging the beauty of human relationships in all its complexity – the joys and sufferings of life”, Dr. Spagnuolo Lobb describes.
The possibility to exchange ideas and share experiences has been an important reminder, as one of the participants express: “-Being in Syracuse is a sharp contrast to the dark and cold climate of Norway”, says Helene Fellman, a gestalt therapist from Norway. “It is a reminder of how psychopathology exists across borders, cultures and climates.  It is tempting to think that if i lived in the sun and warmth of Sicily i would not feel sad, lonely or afraid. A simple picture of how suffering or being content is far more complex than our immediate environment”.
The participants are eager to express their gratitude and thanks to the community of Syracuse for their kind hospitality, and a warm thanks to Margareta and Gianni creating this platform for learning and for their generosity in sharing their experience with their European colleagues.
Rolf Aspestrand, participant and Gestalt psychotherapist, MNGF (Norway)